Sunday, March 9, 2014

Muscle Cramps

Have you ever suffered from a muscle cramp? If so there are many reasons why this particular condition has occurred. A muscle cramp is a involuntary contraction which means you are doing something against your will and as a result it can cause serious pain. These cramps can limit your movement and performance or become so extreme that your not able to do any activities you enjoy doing.

Allow me to explain how a muscle cramp works: First of all, as mentioned before its a involuntary muscle that is contracting. As we move our muscle contract and relax (de contract) naturally therefore a cramp does not allow the muscle to relax. When the muscle contracts in a spasm and lasts at that stage for a long period of time this is how a cramp is created. These cramps can occur to any muscle in the body whether it's your calf, thigh, hand, forearm or even eye lid. Once in a while I get them in my thigh, and they are sleeping cramps. I believe those are the worst because they appear in your sleep after you make the slightest movement. When I get these, they prevent me from sleeping and they become aggravating. No matter how much I stretch I cant get rid of it!
The types of muscle cramps
There are four different types of muscle cramps such as;
1) True cramps: These are the most common cramps because they are usually caused by fatigue.
2) Tetany: These cramps occur when the body is low on vitamins
3) Dystonic Cramp: The cause of this cramp is when you do a repetitive movement
4) Contractures: Its when the muscle or tendon gets hard and causes that joint to deform.
Causes of muscle cramps
  • Not enough blood circulation
  • Overexertion while exercising
  • Not stretching well before exercise
  • Exercising in the heat
  • Fatigue of your muscles
  • Dehydration
  • Lack of vitamins
  • Malfunctioning of the nerves
  • Side effect of some drugs

A muscle cramp can be treated by STRETCHING! This is the easiest way to get rid of a cramp and there are many stretches for divers parts of the body. Also, you can try messaging the muscle or by applying heat. In serious cases some cramps can be stopped by getting injections in that muscles or tendon "ouch".

  • Stretching before and after exercise
  • Drinking a lot of fluid before, during and after your activity
  • Get your vitamins

If you would like to learn more and have an in-depth knowledge on muscle cramps visit these amazing websites:


  1. I absolutely hate muscle cramps, so knowing the causes is helpful. I might be able to prevent them, instead of just dealing with the agony they always cause. The fact that some people may need injections to get rid of them is terrifying! I can't imagine how awful that must be.

  2. Muscle cramps are the worst! I get them on my calf, but I never really knew how to get rid of them I'd just stand there and wait, silly King! Now cause of you I know plenty of different ways to get rid of theses annoying cramps. Thank you!

  3. Wow Gabby! This post is actually really helpful. I always experience muscle cramps whenever I decide to play any sport. Thanks to you, I found out why. I never stretch before I play. I have to make to effort to stretch because I always end up getting hurt. It would be really helpful if you did a post about “Shin Splints” because I need all the tips I can get. Thanks!

  4. This post is very informative, I get cramps a lot, and sometimes all sorts at the same time. I once played a game of Rugby and do to the lack of water, my limbs and core start to cramp to the point where I was curled up in a ball unable to move. Quick question, when I run and get cramps on my side, is that a cramp of my liver or the muscle?

  5. Oh my goodness you must have had some really bad cramps then, that is terrible! You said it though, due to the lack of water. That is one of the major causes of getting stomach cramps unfortunately. To answer your question, the cramps you get on your side are called a side stitch. It is a muscle spasm of your diaphragm. Although, your liver is usually the cause of this.

  6. Thank you so much for writing about muscle cramps. I get them all the time and I had trouble figuring out what causes them and what I could do to help make the pain subside. After reading your blog post, you helped explain all of the possible factors that could have cause my cramps in my legs. By also giving me preventive examples to help reduce my muscle cramps, I am hoping to see a big change in my lifestyle now. I have begun drinking more water and stretching a lot more. I hope that within a few days I notice a huge difference and I will be able to continue playing sports without any further pain.

  7. Abe I am happy my blogs could help you in your everyday life. IM telling you if your start doing right you will notice that you'll be getting cramps less and less sometimes even never. I will be doing blogs on many more injuries, many you will be able to relate to those too.
