Friday, March 21, 2014

Sprained Ankle

 I believe that an ankle injury is the most common injury that can happen. This sprain doesn't not only occur to athletes but to everyone of all ages. Furthermore, it does not happen while playing a sport but also, when you simply step at a different angle or on a uneven surface.

Ankle sprain is when the foot rolls beyond your capable limits or is twisted too far. Also, the ligaments are used to hold the ankle in place and help with proper movement but when they get overly stretched and sometimes even be torn pain will occur and that can be a sign of a sprained ankle. (1)

I know a family member of mine about 2 years ago sprained his ankle, it was a high ankle sprain (you will learn of a high ankle sprain further on). It took him over 2 months before the injury healed and allowed him to play sports again at his full potential. The reason is because he never stopped after his injury to let his ankle heal and that is the worst thing to do! I know a few people that have experienced sprains so much that their ankle does not heal properly. Consequently, their ankles get rolled and twisted easily making it hard for them to enjoy doing activity and not getting hurt so often.


Lateral Ankle Sprain: It's when the ankle is rolled towards the outside of your foot. Therefore this one is the most common.

Medial Ankle Sprain: It's when the ankle is rolled towards the inside of your foot.

High Ankle Sprain: This one affects the ligaments around your tibia and fibula. It's when your ankle rolls towards the outside and is most common while playing a sports.


Grade 1: Some one in this category will have a bit of swelling and tenderness because the ligaments were stretched a little bit. (2)

Grade 2: Putting weight on your ankle will be difficult because of the pain. The ligaments are torn partially and swelling is noticeable. (2)

Grade 3: This is the most severe sprain because the ligament is completely torn. You will not be able to put weight on your ankle and the will be a lot of swelling. (2)

How to prevent

There is no way to avoid an ankle injury for sure, all you have to do is just take precaution of things that you do. We always want to make sure our ligaments are strong and flexible to decrease the probability of getting a sprained ankle. Here are a few ways to prevent an ankle sprain:
  • Warm up and stretch your ankles
  • Watch your step when you walk around
  • When you get tired/ fatigued be extra carful with the motions you do with your ankle
  • Wear the proper equipment on your feet for the activity that your doing.

To heal your ankle it will depend on the severity of the sprain and how well the patient can take care of it. First of all you should see a doctor so they can examine your ankle and take x-rays if needed to determine that your injury is not too serious. After that you must follow the rule of R.I.C.E! Therefore, you must limit your amount of walking, apply ice to reduce swelling (20min every 3-4 hours), wrap your ankle and elevate it while your resting. Keep in mind depending of the grade level of the sprain there is more treatment such as for grade 3 sprains you must immobilize the ankle. Also, stretching and taking anti-inflammatory pills will help increase the healing process.

Here is a link to a video on how to treat a sprained ankle. Hope you enjoy!



  1. Ouuuu mamacita them ankle injury's are the worst! There the most painful in my opinion,The good thing about them is if you treat it good you'll be back out there playing in no time. I remember my most recent ankle injury, and it was a high ankle sprain. I was out for 1 month and 2 weeks, and now my cute friend has given me a ankle brace to prevent that kind of injury, Anyways nice blog beautiful cant wait to see what you got next!

  2. One of the most easy and annoying injuries! I like how you went into detail explaining the types, how to prevent and treatment! Very useful. Although hopefully no one reading any of your blogs will need to follow the treatment section! We don't have to visit the doctor anymore when we have doctor Gabby over here!

  3. I have always had some kind of little fear of getting a sprained ankle. After reading this post I really am glad that I have not had an injury like a sprained ankle. I know several people that have had a sprained ankle and it just seems that it would hurt...A LOT! I would like to also let you that after reading your blog I feel more informed and good about how to treat a sprained ankle. Thank you a lot!
